1LYX圆盘犁 1. This pipe disc plough has the feature of not Winding grass , not block and no hip building-up.这款圆盘犁具有不缠草,不塞土的功能。 2. The mounted disc plough is easy to cut off stems and roots with less working resistance. 可以用更小的工作阻力来切断作物根茎。 3.It is ideally used for plowing deep roots in soil infested, sticky, stony and hard land.主要用于耕作深层作物根系,粘性土壤,乱石地和硬土地。 5. The frame of the plough is seamless wired, it is strength and reliable to use. Using the best bearing--- LYC 犁架采用无缝焊接,强劲可靠,旋转部位使用较好的轴承——洛轴。 产品参数: 型号Modle 单位unit 1LYX-230 1LYX-330 1LYX-430 耕深 Working depth mm 250 250 250 耕幅 Working width mm 600 900 1200 犁片数量 ?Q’ty of disc 2 3 4 犁片直径Disc diameter mm 660 660 660 整机重量 Overall weight kg 300 360 410 配套动力(hp) Matched power hp 40~50 55~80 90~120 挂接形式Linkage 三点悬挂(Standard three-point mounted)